Modelagem numérica da evolução da paisagem na Amazônia |
Bicudo, T.C. |
2020 |
Recent advances in environmental magnetism and biogeophysics: from detecting and monitoring microbial activity in extreme environments to environment pollution impacts. |
Ustra, A. |
2020 |
Estudo Paleomagnético da Formação Mesoproterozoica Arinos, Noroeste do Estado do Mato Grosso, Cráton Amazônico. |
Silva, J.M. |
2020 |
Variação paleosecular na porção central da América do Sul durante o Holoceno a partir de sedimentos da Gruta do Janelão (MG) |
Mollo, M.T. |
2020 |
Adjoint Tomography of South America based on 3D Spectral-Element Seismic Wave Simulations |
Ciardelli, C. |
2019 |
Aptian Stage Astronomic Calibration in Poggio le Guaine Core (Cagli, Italy) |
Leandro, C.G. |
2019 |
Inversion of AEM Data With Strong IP Effects Over Metallic Sulfide Dissemination Within Banded Iron Formations |
Couto, M. A. |
2019 |
An improved velocity model for routine hypocenter location in Central Brazil |
Carvalho, J. |
2019 |
Geomagnetic paleosecular variation from 42000 to 5000 cal years BP in southern Brazil: preliminary results |
Frigo, E. |
2019 |
Influências de estruturas metálicas na aquisição de dados eletromagnéticos obtidos com condutivímetro EM34 |
Silva, C.U. |
2019 |
Cortical fabrics in ooids of the Tamengo Formation, Brazil: further evidence for widespread late Ediacaran aragonite precipitation in shallow marine settings. |
Gomez Gutierrez, J.C. |
2019 |
A herança composicional de margens hiperestendidas e a evolução de orógenos quentes: o caso do Orógeno Araçuaí? |
Meira, V.T. |
2019 |
Study of the asthenospheric flow around cratonic keels from numerical modelling. |
Rocha, M.P. |
2019 |
Historical And Cartographic Survey In The Analysis Of Seismic Activity In WestCentral Brazil: Emphasis In The Pantanal Sedimentary Basin. |
Silva, L.J. |
2019 |
P-wave tomography sensibility test applied to the Chaco-Paraná, Paraná and Pantanal basins inversion. |
Dragone, I. |
2019 |
Seismic Monitoring of the Pantanal Sedimentary Basin and Adjacencies |
Fancicani, E.M. |
2019 |
Geoelectric modeling for the design of the grounding system of the Bom Jardim da Serra windfarm |
Freire, P.F. |
2019 |
Nova Estação Sismográfica SBB no Brasil. |
Galhardo, L. |
2019 |
Preliminary in phase and out of phase AMS study and paleomagnetism of ~870 MA mafic dikes in Wst Africa (Ghana). |
Antonio, P.Y.J. |
2019 |
Teleseisms recorded by the Aquidauana station (AQDB) in 2015 |
Corrêa, D.C.S. |
2019 |
Identification of Earthquakes in the city of Londrina/Paraná through cross correlation. |
Silva, L.F. |
2019 |
Effect of the Cold Nazca Slab on the Depth of the 660-km Discontinuity in South America |
2019 |
Análise preliminar dos dados magnéticos do Saco de Mamanguá e da Enseada de Paraty-Mirim, Rio de Janeiro |
Melo, J.A. |
2019 |
Pursuing Data Completeness In Rsbr Data Archives |
Bianchi, M. |
2019 |
Modeling HTEM Data Anomalied for Mineral Exploration in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero, MG |
Oliveira, G.S. |
2019 |
Rede Sismográfica de Carajás - PA (RSCK) |
Collaço, B. |
2019 |
Mantle Dynamics of the Andean Subduction Zone from Teleseismic S-Wave Tomography. |
Rodriguez, E.E. |
2019 |
Coupled multiple sulfur and organic carbon isotope geochemistry of Brazilian Precambrian rocks |
Bouyon, A. |
2019 |
P-wave Travel-time Tomography Beneath the Pantanal, Paraná and Chaco‐Paraná Basins: Delimiting Lithospheric Blocks of the SW Gondwana Assemblage. |
Affonso, G. |
2019 |
AEMIP Inversion for Gold Exploration Using Maximum Phase Angle Parameterization - Case in Quadrilátero Ferrífero Area, Brazil |
Couto Jr., M.A. |
2019 |
Arcabouço estratigráfico-quimioestratigráfico da base do Grupo Bambuí: os altos de Januária e Sete Lagoas no contexto de Bacia de antepaís gondwânica. |
Caetano Filho, S. |
2019 |
Quality Control Of Events Recorded By The Seismographic Station Of Chapadão Do Sul (C2Sb), Ms, Through The Seismogram Viewer Software (Seisgram2K). |
Santos, C.A.O. |
2019 |
Explaining Nuclear Magnetic Resonance T2 shifts in sandstones with anomalous porosity. |
Jácomo, M.H. |
2019 |
IoT in seismology: real-time transmission methods. |
2019 |
Rupture Lengths of Brazilian Earthquakes from Relative Location of Aftershocks: Evidence for Depth Dependence of Stress Drops |
Assumpção, M. |
2019 |
The Brazilian Seismographic Network: current state and future challenges |
Assumpção, M. |
2019 |
Attenuation of MM intensities for intraplate earthquakes in Brazil: Application to evaluate historical seismicity. |
Quadros, L. |
2019 |
A narrower belt of sub-Andean thin crust constrained by new measurements of crustal thickness in the central part of South America. |
Rivadeneyra-Vera, C. |
2019 |
Emplacement Dynamics of the Alkaline Volcanic and Subvolcanic Rocks of Trindade Island, Brazil: an Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) Study. |
Pasqualon, N.G. |
2019 |
Levantamento Litoestrutural do Segmento Central da Zona de Cisalhamento Guaçuí |
Souza Jr, G.F. |
2019 |
Ultrafine magnetic particles characterization as a proxy of biogeochemical processes at a brownfield |
Ustra, A. |
2019 |
The influence of Dynamic Topography on the Sedimentary Evolution in the Amazon Fan and Interior Basins in Northern South America. |
Sacek, V. |
2019 |
Effect of the Cold Nazca Slab on the Depth of the 660km Discontinuity in South America. |
Bianchi, M. |
2019 |
Evaluating the ratio of S-wave to P-wave velocity variation in the lowermost mantle beneath the Central Pacific: Implications for thermochemical interpretations of D |
Chaves. C.A.M. |
2019 |
Quality control system in seismology |
Brasílio, E. |
2019 |
The Seismic Zone of Southern Paraguay with a Revised Catalog: Another Example of Intraplate Activity in a Lithospheric Thin Spot? |
Assumpção, M. |
2019 |
Towards an understanding of magnetic mineralogy in speleothems from South America |
Jaqueto, P. |
2019 |
Geophysical modeling of Serra Negra and Salitre I, II and III alkaline-carbonatite complexes based on their gravimetric and magnetic signatures |
Santos, R.P.Z. |
2019 |
Fracture flow characterization with low-noise SP logging. |
Kowalski, A.C.G. |
2019 |
Nazca plate buoyancy and mantle convection under the Pantanal Basin. |
Assunção, J. |
2019 |