Título Autores Ano de publicação
AEMIP Inversion for Gold Exploration Using Maximum Phase Angle Parameterization - Case in Quadrilátero Ferrífero Area, Brazil Couto Jr., M.A. 2019
Arcabouço estratigráfico-quimioestratigráfico da base do Grupo Bambuí: os altos de Januária e Sete Lagoas no contexto de Bacia de antepaís gondwânica. Caetano Filho, S. 2019
Implementation Of An Automatic Filtering Method For The Signals Of The Seismographic Station (Aquidauana - Aqdb, Ms) In A Real-Time Seismic Monitoring Software Corrêa, D.C.S. 2019
Transition Zone Thickness And Its Correlation To The Nazca Slab Position In South America Bianchi, M. 2019
Extracting optimum inter-station empirical Green's function in west-central Brazil. Shirzad, T. 2019
Magnetism of Sediments, Soils, and Organisms, and How They Are Influenced by Changing Geomagnetic Fields and the Environment I, II e III Satolli S. 2019
A narrower belt of sub-Andean thin crust constrained by new measurements of crustal thickness in the central part of South America. Rivadeneyra-Vera, C. 2019
Perturbações no ciclo do carbono na transição Ediacarano-Cambriano: evidências a partir de isótopos de carbono pareado no Grupo Bambuí, Bacia do São Francisco 2019
Study of the asthenospheric flow around cratonic keels from numerical modelling. Rocha, M.P. 2019
Oxygenation: Global Tipping Point, Local Records. Philippot, P. 2019
Seismic Monitoring of the Pantanal Sedimentary Basin and Adjacencies Fancicani, E.M. 2019
Evaluation of Capivara (SP) station orientation using teleseismic events. Salles, V. 2019
Macroseismic Intensity Data Online Publisher (MIDOP): Implementation for Brazilian earthquakes. Quadros, L. 2019
Teleseisms recorded by the Aquidauana station (AQDB) in 2015 Corrêa, D.C.S. 2019
Pursuing Data Completeness In Rsbr Data Archives Bianchi, M. 2019
Rede Sismográfica de Carajás - PA (RSCK) Collaço, B. 2019
Fábricas corticais em ooides da Formação Tamengo, Faixa Paraguai Sul: evidências de sedimentação aragonítica em ambientes rasos no final do Ediacarano Gómez Gutiérrez, J.C. 2019
Joint inversion of receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion in the Pantanal Basin (Central South America): Constraining models of basin formation. Cedraz, V.,A. 2019
Crustal and Lithospheric Structure of the Pantanal Wetlands, an Active Quaternary Basin Surrounded by Cratons in South America. Assumpção, M. 2019
Disturbances in the late EdiacaranCambrian marine carbon cycling tracked through paired carbon isotope evolution of the Bambuí Group, Brazil Caetano Filho, S. 2019
5.1Mw 2014 Lloja earthquake, Bolivia: The transition between extensional stresses of the central Altiplano and compressional stresses of the sub-Andes Fernandez Maranon, G.A. 2019
Brumadinho tailings dam failure through the USP Seismological Center perspective. Collaço, B. 2019
Quality Control Of Events Recorded By The Seismographic Station Of Chapadão Do Sul (C2Sb), Ms, Through The Seismogram Viewer Software (Seisgram2K). Santos, C.A.O. 2019
Continental lithospheric mantle lateral flow during tectonic quiescence Mora, C.A.S. 2019
Rupture Lengths of Brazilian Earthquakes from Relative Location of Aftershocks: Evidence for Depth Dependence of Stress Drops Assumpção, M. 2019
The Brazilian Seismographic Network: current state and future challenges Assumpção, M. 2019
Lithospheric Structure of the Pantanal Wetlands, an Active Quaternary Basin in Mid-Plate South America: Results of the 3-Basins Project Assumpção, M. 2018
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Pore Coupling in Clay-Coated Sandstones With Anomalous Porosity Preservation, Água Grande Formation, Recôncavo Basin, Brazil Jácomo, M.H. 2018
CAMP intrusive and extrusive activity and its influence on the end-Triassic mass extinction. Valeriani, L. 2018
Geomagnetic field intensity in South America over the 500 years: New archeointensity results from South Brazil. Hartmann, G.A. 2018
Mantle heterogeneity across the Andean subduction zone from finite-frequency teleseismic S-wave tomography Rodriguez, E.E. 2018
A Ti-, Zr-, Th-, and U-Rich Hydrothermal Assemblage Associated with the Precambrian Yarrabubba Impact Structure (Western Australia). Schmieder, M. 2018
1D AEMIP Inversion Using MPA Reparameterization for HTEM Survey at Lamego Gold Mine, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, MG, Brazil. Couto, M.A. 2018
Environmental magnetic changes in the Southwestern South Atlantic for the Last Glacial: evidence from magnetotactic bacterial production Savian, J., , ., , , , , , & 2018
Assessment of South America Mid-Plate Strain Rates through GNSS Velocities Estimated from SIRGAS-C Time Series Marques, H.A. 2018
The final west Gondwana suture? The Araguai Belt, Brazil. McGee, B. 2018
On the reliability of Sr isotope chemostratigraphy of late Ediacaran carbonates from the Bambuí Group. Guacaneme, C. 2018
The genesis of Paraná Magmatic Province basalts (Brazil): contribution of new Hf isotope data Marques, L.S. 2018
Conservation, Scanning and Digitization of Historical Geomagnetic Data Archives from Brazil Franco, D.R. 2018
Hydraulically Induced Seismicity in South-Eastern Brazil Linked to Water Wells Convers, J. 2018
A Rare Case of Seasonal Induced Seismicity in Southeast Brazil. Convers, J.A. 2018
Source apportionment of airborne particulate matter using magnetic parameters as tracers in addition to chemical tracers on the biomonitoring of a petrochemical complex in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo, Brazil Kamigauti, L.Y. 2018
Evaluating the ratio of S-wave to P-wave velocity variations for the Pacific LLVP based on long-period traveltime data. Koelemeijer, P. 2018
New Late Pennsylvanian Paleomagnetic Results from Parana Basin (Southern Brazil): a Possible Record of the Persistent Non-Dipolar Component During Kiaman Times? Brandt, D. 2018
Bioelectrochemical systems for enhancement and monitoring of waste treatment Kirmizakis, P. 2018
Source Seismic Parameters of the New Seismic Zone of Porto dos Gauchos - Amazon Craton Brazil Barros, L.V. 2018
The Belo Monte effect: how an enormous dam has already affected a rich Amazon ecosystem - and what the future might hold for it. Camargo, M.G.P. 2018
Lithosphere expression of the boundary between the Amazonian and extra-Amazonian domains of the South American Platform from travel-time seismic tomography. Rocha, M.P. 2018
Inferred Variations in Thermal and Rheological State of the Nazca Slab from High-Resolution Tomographic Imaging Portner, D.E. 2018
Analysis of GPR field parameters for root mapping in Brazil's caatinga environment. Almeida, E.R. 2018