Título Autores Ano de publicação
Towards High-Resolution Waveform Tomography of South America Melo, B.C. 2019
Imaging Crustal Structure of the Transition between Zagros Collision and Makran Subduction using Events Interferometry Approach Shirzad, T. 2019
Modified Mercalli Intensity Values due to different interpreters: an automatic approach. Lion, M. 2019
Conservação e Digitalização do Registro Geomagnético Histórico do Observatório Magnético de Vassouras. Nascimento, E.P., Peixoto, I.M.C., Oliveira, R.R., Muniz, A.L., Franco, D.R., Hartmann, G.A., Bianchi, M.B., Hannesch, O., Garcia, A.C.O., Santos, A.F., Rangel, M.F., Abdulmalek, A., Aguiar, H.H., Costa, V.A., Aguiar, L.F., Santos, E.S., Frade, E.P., Wiermann, A., Guimarães, L.M., Ladeira, H.F., Bernardes, V., Papa, A.R.R., Trindade, R.I.F., Vieira, F.P., Pinheiro, K.J.R., Soares, G.B,m Yokoyama, E., Barbosa, J.R. 2019
Geophysical modeling of Serra Negra and Salitre I, II and III alkaline-carbonatite complexes based on their gravimetric and magnetic signatures Santos, R.P.Z. 2019
Quantifying ancient precipitation with annual resolution records of speleothem magnetism (Invited) Fu, R. 2019
Characteristics Of The Ongoing Seasonally Rain-induced Seismicity In Jurupema, SP Convers, J.A. 2019
Azimuthal anisotropy in west-central Brazil using ambient seismic noise. Shirzad, T. 2019
Speleothem derived secular variation in Morocco for the past 6000 years Carmo, J. 2019
Fracture flow characterization with low-noise SP logging. Kowalski, A.C.G. 2019
An Improved 1-D Velocity Model for Routine Seismic Location in Central Brazil Carvalho, J. 2019
S -Wave Velocity Model (1D) For The Lithosphere Of The Pantanal Basin Tadeu, E.V.C., 2019
Implementation Of An Automatic Filtering Method For The Signals Of The Seismographic Station (Aquidauana - Aqdb, Ms) In A Real-Time Seismic Monitoring Software Corrêa, D.C.S. 2019
Moho Depth From S-wave Receiver Function In Reverberating Low-velocity Sedimentary Basin Lopez, L. 2019
Cortical fabrics in ooids of the Tamengo Formation, Brazil: further evidence for widespread late Ediacaran aragonite precipitation in shallow marine settings. Gomez Gutierrez, J.C. 2019
Análise Mineraloquímica do Minério Manganesífero de Guaçui (ES). Bellon, U.D. 2019
Extracting optimum inter-station empirical Green's function in west-central Brazil. Shirzad, T. 2019
Application of neutron activation analysis to the study of low-titanium tholeiitic dykes of the Serra do Mar Swarm (RJ) Cotis, D.S. 2019
Magnetism of Sediments, Soils, and Organisms, and How They Are Influenced by Changing Geomagnetic Fields and the Environment I, II e III Satolli S. 2019
Modelagem gravimétrica direta 2D do Greenstone Belt Rio das Velhas na Região de Pitangui Matos, C.A. 2019
On the use of magnetic properties to study soil hydrocarbon biodegradation Ustra, A. 2019
Evaluation of Capivara (SP) station orientation using teleseismic events. Salles, V. 2019
Macroseismic Intensity Data Online Publisher (MIDOP): Implementation for Brazilian earthquakes. Quadros, L. 2019
Monazite petrochronology evidence for long-lived high geothermal gradient metamorphism in the intracontinental Seridó Belt, Brazil. Cioffi, C.R. 2019
Coupled multiple sulfur and organic carbon isotope geochemistry of Brazilian Precambrian rocks Bouyon, A. 2019
Joint inversion of receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion in the Pantanal Basin (Central South America): Constraining models of basin formation. Cedraz, V.,A. 2019
Fábricas corticais em ooides da Formação Tamengo, Faixa Paraguai Sul: evidências de sedimentação aragonítica em ambientes rasos no final do Ediacarano Gómez Gutiérrez, J.C. 2019
Adjoint Tomography of South America based on 3D Spectral-Element Seismic Wave Simulations Ciardelli, C. 2019
Aptian Stage Astronomic Calibration in Poggio le Guaine Core (Cagli, Italy) Leandro, C.G. 2019
Disturbances in the late EdiacaranCambrian marine carbon cycling tracked through paired carbon isotope evolution of the Bambuí Group, Brazil Caetano Filho, S. 2019
A herança composicional de margens hiperestendidas e a evolução de orógenos quentes: o caso do Orógeno Araçuaí? Meira, V.T. 2019
Statistical characteristics of Reservoir-Triggered Seismicity in Brazil Barros, L.V. 2019
USP Data Center: infrastructure supporting the Seismology Center Calhau, J. 2019
An improved velocity model for routine hypocenter location in Central Brazil Carvalho, J. 2019
Maranhão aftershocks activity studies with local seismic network for getting the main shock as a GT5 event. Barros, L.V. 2019
New crustal focal mechanism solutions for Bolivia: mapping the transition from Subandean compression and Altiplano extension Fernandez, G.A. 2019
Attenuation of MM intensities for intraplate earthquakes in Brazil: Application to evaluate historical seismicity. Quadros, L. 2019
Análise preliminar dos dados magnéticos do Saco de Mamanguá e da Enseada de Paraty-Mirim, Rio de Janeiro Melo, J.A. 2019
Updated Crustal Thickness map of central South America Based on Receiver Function measurements in the Pantanal and Chaco basins, western Brazil Vera, J.C.R. 2019
Sedimentologia da formação Tamengo (Grupo Corumbá) – Implantação de uma rampa carbonática-siliciclástica no final do Ediacarano Afonso, J.W.L. 2019
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map for Bolivia Fernandez, G.M. 2019
Influence of differential denudation and variable necking depth on Cenozoic tectonism in the southeastern Brazilian margin Silva, R. M. 2019
Geological Research through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling (GRIND): The Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition. Rose, C. 2019
Quimioestratigrafia da sequência basal do Grupo Bambuí no alto de Sete Lagoas: variações em alta frequência das razões 87Sr/86Sr . Bedoya-Rueda, C. 2019
AEMIP Inversion for Gold Exploration Using Maximum Phase Angle Parameterization - Case in Quadrilátero Ferrífero Area, Brazil Couto Jr., M.A. 2019
Arcabouço estratigráfico-quimioestratigráfico da base do Grupo Bambuí: os altos de Januária e Sete Lagoas no contexto de Bacia de antepaís gondwânica. Caetano Filho, S. 2019
The greatest drainage system in the world, the Amazon River system, drains an area of about six million square kilometers in Northern South America, including parts of the Central and Northern Andean Cordillera, the Amazonian Craton and lowlands. Based on 2019
A narrower belt of sub-Andean thin crust constrained by new measurements of crustal thickness in the central part of South America. Rivadeneyra-Vera, C. 2019
Geocronologia do Grupo Bambuí: rumo ao Paleozóico? Babinsky, M. 2019
Oxygenation: Global Tipping Point, Local Records. Philippot, P. 2019