Bioelectrochemical systems for enhancement and monitoring of waste treatment |
Kirmizakis, P. |
2018 |
SKS Anisotropy Measurements in Mid-Plate South America: a Test of Subduction-Induced Upper Mantle Flow and the Effect of Cratonic Keels. |
Assumpção, M.S. |
2017 |
Cross Correlation For Real-time Data Control, Data Reduction, And Solution Convergence Applied To Regional Moment-tensor Inversions. |
Convers, J. |
2017 |
Modelado sísmico de las cuencas de Paraná y Pantanal a partir de velocidad de fase de ondas superficiales |
Flores, G., Rosa M.L. & Assumpção, M.S. |
2017 |
IAG/USP Test Site - II - Construction and Preliminary GPR Results on PVC/Metal Pipes and Ceramic Tubes. |
Porsani, J.L. |
2017 |
Adquisición y análisis de filtrado de sísmica multicomponente 3C en la estructura de Colônia, São Paulo, Brasil. |
Bokhonok, O. |
2017 |
The Intraplate Maranhão Earthquake of 2017 Jan 03, Northern Brazil: Evidence for Univofrm Stresses Along the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. |
Assumpção, M. |
2017 |
Exploring Deep Peru-Brazil Border Earthquakes to Obtain Crustal Structure at Regional Stations. |
Vera, J.C.R. |
2017 |
A Importância Do Registro Histórico Do Sismo De 13 De Agosto De 1860, Cuiabá-MT. |
Silva, L.J. |
2017 |
New Paleomagnetic Pole for the Northern Parana Igneous Province. |
Ernesto, M. |
2017 |
The high-Ti dykes of Florianópolis Swarm (Paraná Magmatic Province): mantle sources and crustal contamination |
Marques, L.S. |
2017 |
The intrusive record of the CAMP and what it means for the end Triassic mass extinction |
Davies, J. |
2017 |
Linking speleothem and soil magnetism |
Jaqueto, P. |
2017 |
Valores de Intensidade Mercalli Modificada a partir de Relatos do Sistema “Sentiu Ai?. |
Lion, M.M. |
2017 |
Multi-Disciplinary Contribution to Metal Exploration in the Jauru Terrane, Southwest Amazon Craton |
Louro V.H.A. |
2017 |
H33A-1636: Quantitative interpretation of magnetic properties as a way to characterize biogeophysical signatures of biodegraded contaminated sites. |
Ustra, A., , ., & |
2017 |
Identificação de Estruturas de Sal a partir de Anomalias Gravimétricas Residuais na Bacia de Santos, SP. |
Constantino, R.R. |
2017 |
Funcionamento e Performance da RSBR: A Experiência da USP. |
Bianchi, M.B. |
2017 |
Ambient Noisetomography in the Pantanal, Chaco and Paraná Basins: Initial Results from the FAPESP “3-Basins Project” |
Shirzad, T. |
2017 |
Archaeomagnetic evidence for a continuous decrease of the geomagnetic axial dipole for the last millennium |
Poletti, W. |
2017 |
EITP09: Puna Plateau regional P and S-waves travel time tomography |
Dragone, I. |
2017 |
Detection of leachate pockets in experimental cell of municipal solid waste with aid of geophysics. |
Moretto, R.L. |
2017 |
Aplicação do Método de Função do Receptor para Determinação da Espessura Crustal sob a Região Sul do Brasil |
Lima; M.V.A.G. |
2017 |
O uso do Google Earth na Educação Ambiental: areas contaminadas |
Moreira, C.M. |
2017 |
Electrical structure of the lithosphere across the Western Paraná suture zone: the role of a Neoproterozoic-Cambrian subduction in generating the Paraná Magmatic Province |
Dragone, G.N. |
2017 |
Modelización 1D de la estructura de velocidades para la corteza en las cercanías a la localidad de Aiguá – Uruguay mediante inversión de función receptora. |
Rodríguez, M. |
2017 |
Intraplate Stress Field in South America Derived from Earthquake Focal Mechanisms |
Dias, F. |
2017 |
Heat transfer regimes in mantle dynamics using the CitcomCU software. |
Assunção, J. |
2017 |
Comparação de aproximações não-hiperbólicas de tempos de trânsito de dados sísmicos multicomponente utilizando diferentes algoritmos de otimização. |
Zuniga, N.R.C.F. |
2017 |
Rede Sismográfica Do Quadrilátero Ferrífero (RSQF) - MG |
Collaço, B. |
2017 |
Paleomagnetism of the Medicilandia Sill from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Amazon Basin, Brazil. |
Moreira, G. |
2017 |
Seismotectonic Zoning In The Pantanal Sedimentary Basin. |
Silva, T.G. |
2017 |
Levantamento De Dados Sismológicos A Partir Da Instalação Da Estação De Aquidauana (aqdb) – Ms, 2003 |
Facincani, E.M. |
2017 |
Identification of Cr-magnetite in Neoproterozoic serpentinites resulting of Cr-Spinel alteration in a past hydrothermal system: Aït Ahmane ultramafic unit (Bou Azzer ophiolite, Anti Atlas, Morocco) |
Hodel, F. |
2017 |
Velocity Analysis of Multicomponent Seismic Data of a Model with Thin Salt Layer. |
Zuniga, N.R.C.F. |
2017 |
Depleted peridotites and basalts chemistry of Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere remnants (Araguaia Belt, Brazil) |
Hodel, F. |
2017 |
Terremotos no Pantanal: 2009 e 2015, Magnitudes 4.3 e 3.8 Mw |
Facincani, E.M. |
2017 |
Geodinâmica do Cráton Amazônizo durante o Steniano: rsultados Paleomagnéticos Preliminares da Suíte Intrusiva Huanchaca |
Bispo-Santos, F. |
2017 |
Using Converted-wave Moveout Equation to Detect a Sequence of Velocity Inversion. |
Zuniga, N.R.C.F. |
2017 |
Testes com o método de sísmica multicomponente (3C) visando à investigação de alvos rasos na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil |
Bokhonok, O. |
2017 |
Preliminary Results of the Full-waveform Tomography of South America and Surrounding Oceans using Spectral Elements and Adjoint Methods |
Ciardelli, C. |
2017 |
Mapping the influence of the deep Nazca slab on the geometry of the 660-km discontinuity beneath stable South America |
Bianchi, M.B. |
2017 |
Swarm-like Behavior Of Shallow Hydraulically Induced Seismicity In Se Brazil. |
Convers, J. |
2017 |
Using robustness and preferred locations of archeomagnetic flux patches to constrain the physics of the core (Invited) |
Terra-Nova, F. |
2017 |
QueRaiospy: an evaluation tool of crossing raypaths density in Ambient Noise Tomography |
Collaço, B. |
2017 |
Environmental Magnetism of Cave Deposits |
Feinberg, J.M. |
2017 |
Resultados Preliminares de Anisotropia de Susceptibilidade Magnética e Mineralogia Magnética do Complexo Vulcânico Caviahue-Copahue (Argentina). |
Moncinhatto, T.R. |
2017 |
2D Inversion of Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM). |
Bortolozo, C.A. |
2017 |
Benchmark comparison study for mantle thermal convection using the CitcomCU numerical code |
Assunção, J. |
2017 |
Mantle Anisotropy And Asthenospheric Flow Around Cratons In Southeastern South America |
Melo, B.C. |
2017 |