Título Autores Ano de publicação
Bioelectrochemical systems for enhancement and monitoring of waste treatment Kirmizakis, P. 2018
SKS Anisotropy Measurements in Mid-Plate South America: a Test of Subduction-Induced Upper Mantle Flow and the Effect of Cratonic Keels. Assumpção, M.S. 2017
Cross Correlation For Real-time Data Control, Data Reduction, And Solution Convergence Applied To Regional Moment-tensor Inversions. Convers, J. 2017
Modelado sísmico de las cuencas de Paraná y Pantanal a partir de velocidad de fase de ondas superficiales Flores, G., Rosa M.L. & Assumpção, M.S. 2017
IAG/USP Test Site - II - Construction and Preliminary GPR Results on PVC/Metal Pipes and Ceramic Tubes. Porsani, J.L. 2017
Adquisición y análisis de filtrado de sísmica multicomponente 3C en la estructura de Colônia, São Paulo, Brasil. Bokhonok, O. 2017
The Intraplate Maranhão Earthquake of 2017 Jan 03, Northern Brazil: Evidence for Univofrm Stresses Along the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. Assumpção, M. 2017
Exploring Deep Peru-Brazil Border Earthquakes to Obtain Crustal Structure at Regional Stations. Vera, J.C.R. 2017
A Importância Do Registro Histórico Do Sismo De 13 De Agosto De 1860, Cuiabá-MT. Silva, L.J. 2017
New Paleomagnetic Pole for the Northern Parana Igneous Province. Ernesto, M. 2017
The high-Ti dykes of Florianópolis Swarm (Paraná Magmatic Province): mantle sources and crustal contamination Marques, L.S. 2017
The intrusive record of the CAMP and what it means for the end Triassic mass extinction Davies, J. 2017
Linking speleothem and soil magnetism Jaqueto, P. 2017
Valores de Intensidade Mercalli Modificada a partir de Relatos do Sistema “Sentiu Ai?. Lion, M.M. 2017
Multi-Disciplinary Contribution to Metal Exploration in the Jauru Terrane, Southwest Amazon Craton Louro V.H.A. 2017
H33A-1636: Quantitative interpretation of magnetic properties as a way to characterize biogeophysical signatures of biodegraded contaminated sites. Ustra, A., , ., & 2017
Identificação de Estruturas de Sal a partir de Anomalias Gravimétricas Residuais na Bacia de Santos, SP. Constantino, R.R. 2017
Funcionamento e Performance da RSBR: A Experiência da USP. Bianchi, M.B. 2017
Ambient Noisetomography in the Pantanal, Chaco and Paraná Basins: Initial Results from the FAPESP “3-Basins Project” Shirzad, T. 2017
Archaeomagnetic evidence for a continuous decrease of the geomagnetic axial dipole for the last millennium Poletti, W. 2017
EITP09: Puna Plateau regional P and S-waves travel time tomography Dragone, I. 2017
Detection of leachate pockets in experimental cell of municipal solid waste with aid of geophysics. Moretto, R.L. 2017
Aplicação do Método de Função do Receptor para Determinação da Espessura Crustal sob a Região Sul do Brasil Lima; M.V.A.G. 2017
O uso do Google Earth na Educação Ambiental: areas contaminadas Moreira, C.M. 2017
Electrical structure of the lithosphere across the Western Paraná suture zone: the role of a Neoproterozoic-Cambrian subduction in generating the Paraná Magmatic Province Dragone, G.N. 2017
Modelización 1D de la estructura de velocidades para la corteza en las cercanías a la localidad de Aiguá – Uruguay mediante inversión de función receptora. Rodríguez, M. 2017
Intraplate Stress Field in South America Derived from Earthquake Focal Mechanisms Dias, F. 2017
Heat transfer regimes in mantle dynamics using the CitcomCU software. Assunção, J. 2017
Comparação de aproximações não-hiperbólicas de tempos de trânsito de dados sísmicos multicomponente utilizando diferentes algoritmos de otimização. Zuniga, N.R.C.F. 2017
Rede Sismográfica Do Quadrilátero Ferrífero (RSQF) - MG Collaço, B. 2017
Paleomagnetism of the Medicilandia Sill from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Amazon Basin, Brazil. Moreira, G. 2017
Seismotectonic Zoning In The Pantanal Sedimentary Basin. Silva, T.G. 2017
Levantamento De Dados Sismológicos A Partir Da Instalação Da Estação De Aquidauana (aqdb) – Ms, 2003 Facincani, E.M. 2017
Identification of Cr-magnetite in Neoproterozoic serpentinites resulting of Cr-Spinel alteration in a past hydrothermal system: Aït Ahmane ultramafic unit (Bou Azzer ophiolite, Anti Atlas, Morocco) Hodel, F. 2017
Velocity Analysis of Multicomponent Seismic Data of a Model with Thin Salt Layer. Zuniga, N.R.C.F. 2017
Depleted peridotites and basalts chemistry of Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere remnants (Araguaia Belt, Brazil) Hodel, F. 2017
Terremotos no Pantanal: 2009 e 2015, Magnitudes 4.3 e 3.8 Mw Facincani, E.M. 2017
Geodinâmica do Cráton Amazônizo durante o Steniano: rsultados Paleomagnéticos Preliminares da Suíte Intrusiva Huanchaca Bispo-Santos, F. 2017
Using Converted-wave Moveout Equation to Detect a Sequence of Velocity Inversion. Zuniga, N.R.C.F. 2017
Testes com o método de sísmica multicomponente (3C) visando à investigação de alvos rasos na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil Bokhonok, O. 2017
Preliminary Results of the Full-waveform Tomography of South America and Surrounding Oceans using Spectral Elements and Adjoint Methods Ciardelli, C. 2017
Mapping the influence of the deep Nazca slab on the geometry of the 660-km discontinuity beneath stable South America Bianchi, M.B. 2017
Swarm-like Behavior Of Shallow Hydraulically Induced Seismicity In Se Brazil. Convers, J. 2017
Using robustness and preferred locations of archeomagnetic flux patches to constrain the physics of the core (Invited) Terra-Nova, F. 2017
QueRaiospy: an evaluation tool of crossing raypaths density in Ambient Noise Tomography Collaço, B. 2017
Environmental Magnetism of Cave Deposits Feinberg, J.M. 2017
Resultados Preliminares de Anisotropia de Susceptibilidade Magnética e Mineralogia Magnética do Complexo Vulcânico Caviahue-Copahue (Argentina). Moncinhatto, T.R. 2017
2D Inversion of Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM). Bortolozo, C.A. 2017
Benchmark comparison study for mantle thermal convection using the CitcomCU numerical code Assunção, J. 2017
Mantle Anisotropy And Asthenospheric Flow Around Cratons In Southeastern South America Melo, B.C. 2017